Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index

84 Record(s) Found in our database

Search Results

1. Record Number: 14141
Author(s): Poe, Elizabeth W.
Title : The Old and the Feckless: Fabliau Husbands
Source: The Medieval Marriage Scene: Prudence, Passion, Policy.   Edited by Sherry Roush and Cristelle L. Baskins .   Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, 2005.  Pages 115 - 134.
Year of Publication: 2005.

2. Record Number: 10704
Author(s): Karras, Ruth Mazo.
Title : Marriage and the Creation of Kin in the Sagas [The author concludes in part: "The fact that kinship networks were up for negotiation, that each conjugal unit in a sense selected for itself when which kinship bonds were the most important, meant that power within marriage was up for negotiation too. The default obligation for men was their blood relatives and for women seems rather to have been to their husbands; but the system was flexible enough that each couple worked out for itself which relationships were most important." (page 488).]
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 473 - 490.
Year of Publication: 2003.

3. Record Number: 8282
Author(s): Cortijo Ocaña, Antonio.
Title : The "Consells- Consejos" on Marriage and Their Broader Sentimental Context [The author examines three works of advice on marriage ("Advice of Good Doctrine which a French lady Gave Her Daughter Who Married the King of England" ("Conseyll de bones doctrines que una reyna de França dona a una filla sua que fonch muller del rey Danglaterra"), "Letter from the Marquis of Villena to His Daughter Joana" ("Letra deval scrita feu lo marques de Villena e compte de Ribagortça qui apres fo intitulat duch de Gandia, per dona Joahan filla sua quant la marida ab don Johan fill del compte de Gardona, per la qual liscrivi castich e bons nodriments, dient axi"), and "Advice from a Wiseman to His Daughters" ("Castigos y dotrinas que un sabio daba a sus hijas")) that bear structured and thematic parallels to sentimental romances. The texts emphasize women's chastity, honor, humility, and piety, but also stress a misogynous view of women's out-of-control sexuality. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Marriage and Sexuality in Medieval and Early Modern Iberia. Hispanic Issues, Volume 26.   Edited by Eukene Lacarra Lanz .   Routledge, 2002. Scandinavian Studies , 75., 1 (Spring 2003):  Pages 39 - 56.
Year of Publication: 2002.

4. Record Number: 7908
Author(s): Jones, Nancy A.
Title : The Daughter's Text and the Thread of Lineage in the Old French "Philomena"
Source: Representing Rape in Medieval and Early Modern Literature.   Edited by Elizabeth Robertson and Christine M. Rose .   The New Middle Ages Series. Palgrave, 2001. Viator , 32., ( 2001):  Pages 161 - 187.
Year of Publication: 2001.

5. Record Number: 13636
Author(s): Denis, Françoise.
Title : Primauté d'une politique territoriale dans certains marriages épiques. "Raoul de Cambrai": un cas exemplaire? [The author analyzes the marriages arranged for territorial gain by the king in the epic "Raoul de Cambrai." The king wants to bind the territories in northeast France, including Artois and Ponthieu, to him by installing loyal new men as the husbands of heiresses and widowed noble women. The text is critical of the king's all powerful, ruthless approach. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: L' Épopée romane au moyen âge et aux temps modernes: Actes du XIVe Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals pour l' étude des épopées romanes: Naples, 24-30 juillet 1997. 2 volumes.   Edited by Salvatore Luongo .   Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, 2001. Viator , 32., ( 2001):  Pages 213 - 227.
Year of Publication: 2001.

6. Record Number: 13638
Author(s): Ion, Despina.
Title : Politique matrimoniale et stratégies narratives dans "Garin le Loheren" [The author explores the marriage exchanges made by the king, Pippin, which sometimes favor the noble men from Lorraine and sometimes instead help their rivals, the nobles from Bordeaux. There is a great deal of maneuvering with the group from Bordeaux declaring matches invalid. Marriage is generally with a higher ranked woman which confers status and resources on the new husband. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: L' Épopée romane au moyen âge et aux temps modernes: Actes du XIVe Congrès International de la Société Rencesvals pour l' étude des épopées romanes: Naples, 24-30 juillet 1997. 2 volumes.   Edited by Salvatore Luongo .   Fridericiana Editrice Universitaria, 2001. Viator , 32., ( 2001):  Pages 247 - 265.
Year of Publication: 2001.

7. Record Number: 11151
Title : Reading the Lives of the Married Saints in Aelfric's "Lives of Saints"
Source: Old English Newsletter , 34., 3 (Spring 2001): Appendix A: Abstracts of Papers in Anglo-Saxon Studies. Conference paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Modern Language Association of America, Washington, D.C., December 27-30, 2000, Session 16: "Editing, Interpretation, Canonization
Year of Publication: 2001.

8. Record Number: 6436
Author(s): Burrell, Margaret.
Title : Tel seit la lei de mariage: Fact and Fiction in Models of Twelfth-Century Marriage [the author examines the depiction of marriage in two French texts, the "Mystère d'Adam" and "Erec et Enide," which explore both the theories of marriage and its practice; for Adam and Eve, marriage fails because of a lack of loyalty, but for Chrétien's couple mutual trust and devotion are rewarded].
Source: Parergon: Journal of the Australian and New Zealand Association for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, New Series , 18., 2 (January 2001):  Pages 1 - 15.
Year of Publication: 2001.

9. Record Number: 5605
Author(s): Mann, Jill.
Title : Wife-Swapping in Medieval Literature [in order to understand better the relationships among Dorigen, Arveragus, and Aurelius, the author considers the exchange of wives between friends in a number of earlier medieval texts, including the Latin poem "Lantfrid and Cobbo," the many versions of "Amis and Amiloun," the thirteenth-century romance "Athis and Prophilias," Boccaccio's story in the "Decameron" concerning Titus and Gisippus, the story of Rollo and Resus in Walter Map's "De Nugis Curialium," and Giovanni Fiorentino's story of Stricca and Galgano in his fourteenth-century collection "Il Pecorone"].
Source: Viator , 32., ( 2001):  Pages 93 - 112.
Year of Publication: 2001.

10. Record Number: 6432
Author(s): Paterson, Linda.
Title : Gender Negotiations in France during the Central Middle Ages: The Literary Evidence [the author argues that vernacular literature is especially valuable for details of daily life and contemporary sensibilities; she considers the themes of marriage, courtly love, gendered identity and violence (including rape) in literature along with the larger trends in French and Occitan society at the time].
Source: The Medieval World.   Edited by Peter Linehan and Janet L. Nelson .   Routledge, 2001. Viator , 32., ( 2001):  Pages 246 - 266.
Year of Publication: 2001.

11. Record Number: 4810
Author(s): Collette, Carolyn P.
Title : Chaucer and the French Tradition Revisited: Philippe de Mézières and the Good Wife ["Philippe de Mézières' book on marriage and good wives shows that even before Christine de Pizan, an exact contemporary of Chaucer's dealt with the idea of marriage and the good woman in terms and stories that indicated the public nature of the marriage bond, and, within that bond, the power of women to stabilize and destabilize elements of society through virtue and through uncontrolled will." (Page 167)].
Source: Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts in Late Medieval Britain. Essays for Felicity Riddy.   Edited by Jocelyn Wogan-Browne, Rosalynn Voaden, Arlyn Diamond, Ann Hutchison, Carol M. Meale, and Lesley Johnson Medieval Women: Texts and Contexts .   Brepols, 2000. Viator , 32., ( 2001):  Pages 151 - 168.
Year of Publication: 2000.

12. Record Number: 7328
Author(s): Anlezark, Daniel
Title : An Ideal Marriage: Abraham and Sarah in Old English Literature [The author analyzes passages in "Genesis A" and in Aelfric's writings concerning the complex relationship between Sarah and Abraham. This includes Abraham's sexual relationship with Sarah's servant, Hagar, and the unlikely promise from God that Sarah will bear an heir. Both Aelfric and the "Genesis A" author are anxious to maintain Abraham's sanctity and emphasize Sarah's obedience. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medium Aevum , 69., 2 ( 2000):  Pages 187 - 210.
Year of Publication: 2000.

13. Record Number: 5380
Author(s): Burch, Sally L.
Title : Amadas et Ydoine, "Cliges" and the Impediment of Crime [the author uses the attitude of the "Amadas" poet toward adultery to argue that Chrétien may not have intended the marriage of Cliges and Fenice to have been a happy conclusion; instead the marriage of the adulterers may have been an indication of how decadent their society had become].
Source: Forum for Modern Language Studies , 36., 2 (April 2000):  Pages 185 - 195.
Year of Publication: 2000.

14. Record Number: 4468
Author(s): Saunders, Corinne.
Title : A Matter of Consent: Middle English Romance and the Law of "Raptus"
Source: Medieval Women and the Law.   Edited by Noël James Menuge .   Boydell Press, 2000. Forum for Modern Language Studies , 36., 2 (April 2000):  Pages 105 - 124.
Year of Publication: 2000.

15. Record Number: 5057
Author(s): McCarthy, Conor.
Title : Love and Marriage in the "Confessio Amantis"
Source: Neophilologus , 84., 3 (July 2000):  Pages 485 - 499.
Year of Publication: 2000.

16. Record Number: 5453
Author(s): Rawson, Judy.
Title : Marrying for Love: Society in the Quattrocento Novella [The author suggests that Alberti wrote the "Istorietta" of two feuding families brought together by love and the determination of the women in both families].
Source: Women in Italian Renaissance Culture and Society.   Edited by Letizia Panizza .   European Humanities Research Centre, University of Oxford, 2000. Neophilologus , 84., 3 (July 2000):  Pages 421 - 437.
Year of Publication: 2000.

17. Record Number: 6286
Author(s): Störmer-Caysa, Uta.
Title : Kriemhilds erste Ehe: Ein Vorschlag zum Verständnis von Siegfrieds Tod im Nibelungenlied
Source: Neophilologus , 83., 1 ( 1999):  Pages 93 - 113.
Year of Publication: 1999.

18. Record Number: 4688
Author(s): Puhvel, Martin.
Title : The Wife of Bath's Tale: Mirror of Her Mind [the author argues that the tale of the loathly lady and the knight who needs to learn about women reflects the wish fulfillment of the Wife of Bath, specifically in her need to dominate men, desire for uninhibited sex, and concerns about aging and ugliness].
Source: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 100., 3 ( 1999):  Pages 291 - 300.
Year of Publication: 1999.

19. Record Number: 5299
Title : Not Tonight Dear, I Have a Vow of Chastity: Sexual Abstinence and Marital Vocation in "The Book of Margery Kempe"
Source: Publications of the Medieval Association of the Midwest , 6., ( 1999):  Pages 133 - 147.
Year of Publication: 1999.

20. Record Number: 5337
Author(s): Burch, Sally L.
Title : The Lady, the Lords, and the Priests: The Making and Unmaking of Marriage in "Amadas et Ydoine" [The author emphasizes the authority of the lords in the text to arrange marriages; clergy are clearly subordinates, but Ydoine uses deceit to manage the lords and arrive at her desired end].
Source: Reading Medieval Studies , 25., ( 1999):  Pages 17 - 31.
Year of Publication: 1999.

21. Record Number: 5238
Author(s): Englade, Emilio.
Title : Straw for Youre Gentillesse: Masculine Identity, Honor, and Dorigen
Source: Publications of the Medieval Association of the Midwest , 5., ( 1998):  Pages 34 - 57.
Year of Publication: 1998.

22. Record Number: 8522
Author(s): Vroom, Theresia de.
Title : In the Context of "Rough Music": The Representation of Unequal Couples in Some Medieval Plays [The author discusses the custom of "charivari" in which the community shamed and mocked inappropriate couples (including age disparity, adultery, and such violations of gender norms as shrewish wives and henpecked husbands). Vroom offers some examples fr
Source: European Medieval Drama , 2., ( 1998):  Pages 237 - 260.
Year of Publication: 1998.

23. Record Number: 5347
Title : Sir Gowther: The Marriage of Romance and Hagiography [The author argues that "Sir Gowther" was a didactic work adapted from the Old French "Robert le Diable;" it was intended to highlight the sacramental nature of marriage and the crucial role the Church plays in redemption].
Source: Mediaevalia , 22., 1 ( 1998):  Pages 175 - 198. Published by the Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton
Year of Publication: 1998.

24. Record Number: 3665
Author(s): Kolsky, Stephen.
Title : Bending the Rules: Marriage in Renaissance Collections of Biographies of Famous Women [The author argues that court biographies represent an effort to rethink women's roles].
Source: Marriage in Italy, 1300-1650.   Edited by Trevor Dean and K. J. P. Lowe .   Cambridge University Press, 1998. Mediaevalia , 22., 1 ( 1998):  Pages 227 - 248.
Year of Publication: 1998.

25. Record Number: 5433
Author(s): Baker, Joan and Susan Signe Morrison
Title : The Luxury of Gender: "Piers Plowman" and "The Merchant's Tale" ["We do not wish to suggest from our reading of these texts that Langland is indifferent to the gender concern Chaucer delightedly and delightfully explores. On the contrary, we regardLangland's relentless search for Truth throughout his poem as evidence that he would be uneasy at the very least about offering a painless placebo, a quick fix, for the problems of gender. We conclude our study, therefore, with a close look at some differences in the versions of "Piers Plowman" to assert that Langland was, indeed, not only aware of, but deeply concerned with such issues, particularly those concerning a gendered readership of his text. And this, we contend, makes his ultimate subordination of gender to other social and spiritual agendas a more deliberate and hence more compelling argument for the 'luxury' of gender." (Page 52)].
Source: Yearbook of Langland Studies , 12., ( 1998):  Pages 31 - 63.
Year of Publication: 1998.

26. Record Number: 2466
Title : Apprentice Janekyn/Clerk Jankyn: Discrete Phases in Chaucer's Developing Conception of the Wife of Bath [argues that Jankyn went from an apprentice, to a clerk boarding in the house, to a clerk boarding with the Wife of Bath's gossip; this final situation allowed the Wife to make a knowledgeable refutation of the misogynist traditions and have a more developed courtship with her fifth husband].
Source: Chaucer Review , 32., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 146 - 161.
Year of Publication: 1997.

27. Record Number: 2707
Title : Woman's "Pryvete," May, and the Privy: Fissures in the Narrative Voice in the "Merchant's Tale," 1944-86 [examines the disjunction in May's character between the raped young bride and the duplicitous shrew who cuckolds the old knight in the misogynous fabliau ending].
Source: Chaucer Yearbook , 4., ( 1997):  Pages 61 - 77.
Year of Publication: 1997.

28. Record Number: 1968
Title : Chaucer's "St. Anne Trinity" : Devotion, Dynasty, Dogma, and Debate [cults and literary allusions toSaint Anne, her daughter, the Virgin Mary, and her grandson, Jesus Christ ; the author relates them to religious and social issues including the debate over the Immaculate Conception, the sanctity and worth of marriage, and the new model of the mother as saint].
Source: Studies in Philology , 94., 4 (Fall 1997):  Pages 395 - 416.
Year of Publication: 1997.

29. Record Number: 2643
Title : Late Medieval Care and Control of Women: Jean Gerson and His Sisters [Gerson wrote a series of letters and treatises for his six sisters in which he outlined a life devoted to virginity and to prayer in the family home; he specifically told them not to join a religious house for women; texts by Gerson discussed in the article are: "Sept enseignements et autres extraits du Traité sur l'excellence de la virginité" (after 1395), "Neuf considerations" (late 1390s), "Montaigne de contemplation" (1399 or 1400), "Onze ordonnances" (after June 1401), and "Dialogue spirituel" (1407 or 1408)].
Source: Revue d'Histoire Ecclésiastique , 92., 1 (janvier-mars 1997):  Pages 5 - 37.
Year of Publication: 1997.

30. Record Number: 2545
Title : Make Me a Match: Motifs of Betrothal in the Sagas of the Icelanders [discusses the desirable characteristics for husbands and wives and the particular cases of only daughters and widows].
Source: Scandinavian Studies , 69., 3 (Summer 1997):  Pages 296 - 319.
Year of Publication: 1997.

31. Record Number: 2788
Title : Opening the Secret: Marriage, Narration, and Nascent Subjectivity in Middle English Romance [impact of marriage in romances not only in terms of the love relationship and the individual but also the narrative; romances studied are King Horn, Syr Launfal, and the Weddynge of Sir Gawen and Dame Ragnell].
Source: Philological Quarterly , 76., 2 (Spring 1997):  Pages 133 - 157.
Year of Publication: 1997.

32. Record Number: 2706
Author(s): Harding, Wendy.
Title : The Dynamics of Law in the "Clerk's Tale" [examines three relationships which embody the law: the interaction between lord and people, between husband and wife, and between God and believer].
Source: Chaucer Yearbook , 4., ( 1997):  Pages 45 - 59.
Year of Publication: 1997.

33. Record Number: 2465
Author(s): Smith, Warren S.
Title : The Wife of Bath Debates Jerome [argues that the Wife of Bath takes a centrist position on marriage and cleverly refutes the extreme misogyny of Jerome's "Adversus Jovinianum" and the classical tradition of anti-woman diatribe upon which he draws].
Source: Chaucer Review , 32., 2 ( 1997):  Pages 129 - 145.
Year of Publication: 1997.

34. Record Number: 2463
Author(s): Taylor, Mark N.
Title : Servant and Lord/Lady and Wife: The "Franklin's Tale" and traditions of Courtly and Conjugal Love [The author traces ideas in the anti-adultery tradition, represented by Marcabru and Chrétien, that are developed in the story of the married love of Dorigen and Arveragus].
Source: Chaucer Review , 32., 1 ( 1997):  Pages 64 - 81.
Year of Publication: 1997.

35. Record Number: 3286
Author(s): Nolte, Theodor
Title : O frau, wie bitte ist dein salz/Ach frau, das ist mein zucker nar: Bilder und Projektionen der Frau bei Oswald von Wolkenstein
Source: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 9., ( 1996- 1997):  Pages 121 - 138.
Year of Publication: 1996- 1997.

36. Record Number: 3287
Author(s): Spicker, Johannes
Title : Oswalds "Ehelieder": Überlegungen zu einem forschungsgeschichtlichen Paradigma
Source: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 9., ( 1996- 1997):  Pages 139 - 156.
Year of Publication: 1996- 1997.

37. Record Number: 3289
Author(s): Keller, Hildegard Elisabeth
Title : Von dem toben und wüten, das wib und man mit ain ander hond: Szenen weltlicher und geistlicher Ehen in "Christus und die minnende Seele"
Source: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 9., ( 1996- 1997):  Pages 341 - 359.
Year of Publication: 1996- 1997.

38. Record Number: 3290
Author(s): Beutin, Wolfgang
Title : Säkularisierungs- und Spiritualisierungstendenzen in der Dichtung und im mystischen Schrifttum des späten Mittelalters. Mit einem Exkurs: Dantes "Matelda" und deutsche Frauenmystik
Source: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 9., ( 1996- 1997):  Pages 361 - 372.
Year of Publication: 1996- 1997.

39. Record Number: 3295
Author(s): Ruhe, Ernstpeter.
Title : Intertextueller Dialog im Decamerone
Source: Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen , 233., ( 1996):  Pages 52 - 64.
Year of Publication: 1996.

40. Record Number: 4628
Author(s): Masse, Marie-Sophie.
Title : Mariage et adultere dans les "Maeren" de Heinrich Kaufringer [The author argues that Kaufringer explores the notion of "trewe," faithfulness, in stories that mix both humor and horrific revenge].
Source: Sex, Love and Marriage in Medieval Literature and Reality: Thematische Beiträge im Rahmen des 31th [sic] International Congress on Medieval Studies an der Western Michigan University (Kalamazoo-USA) 8.-12. Mai 1996.   Edited by Danielle Buschinger and Wolfgang Spiewok WODAN Bd. 69. Serie 3 Tagungsbände und Sammelschriften Actes de Colloques et Ouvrages Collectifs, 40.   Reineke-Verlag, 1996. Archiv für das Studium der neueren Sprachen und Literaturen , 233., ( 1996):  Pages 47 - 52.
Year of Publication: 1996.

41. Record Number: 1344
Author(s): Beecher, Donald.
Title : The Silenced Knight: Questions of Power and Reciprocity in the "Wife of Bath's Tale"
Source: Chaucer Review , 30., 4 ( 1996):  Pages 359 - 378.
Year of Publication: 1996.

42. Record Number: 1347
Author(s): Pulham, Carol A.
Title : Promises, Promises: Dorigen's Dilemma Revisited
Source: Chaucer Review , 31., 1 ( 1996):  Pages 76 - 86.
Year of Publication: 1996.

43. Record Number: 20793
Author(s): Hendershot, Cyndy
Title : Male Subjectivity, "Fin Amor," and Melancholia in "The Book of the Duchess"
Source: Mediaevalia , 21., ( 1996):  Pages 1 - 26.
Year of Publication: 1996.

44. Record Number: 1623
Author(s): Elliott, Dyan.
Title : Bernardino of Siena Versus the Marriage Debt [argues that Bernardino questioned the assumption of equality in the marriage debt and recognized female spirituality as a legitimate reason for women to refuse sex with their husbands].
Source: Desire and Discipline: Sex and Sexuality in the Premodern West.   Edited by Jacqueline Murray and Konrad Eisenbichler .   University of Toronto Press, 1996. Chaucer Review , 31., 1 ( 1996):  Pages 168 - 200.
Year of Publication: 1996.

45. Record Number: 2989
Author(s): Keller, Kimberly.
Title : For Better and Worse: Women and Marriage in "Piers Plowman"
Source: Medieval Family Roles: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Cathy Jorgensen Itnyre .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Chaucer Review , 31., 1 ( 1996):  Pages 67 - 83.
Year of Publication: 1996.

46. Record Number: 1564
Author(s): McCash, June Hall.
Title : Images of Women in the "Lais" of Marie de France
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 11., ( 1996):  Pages 96 - 112. Proceedings of the Twenty-First Annual Conference of the Southeastern Medieval Association
Year of Publication: 1996.

47. Record Number: 990
Title : Occurrences of Nuptial Imagery in Old English Hagiographical Texts
Source: English Language Notes , 33., 4 (June 1996):  Pages 1 - 9.
Year of Publication: 1996.

48. Record Number: 1071
Title : The Middle Cornish Interlude: Genre and Tradition [discusses the speaking part of the matchmaker in a secular interlude that was written on the back of a final contract; the matchmaker persuades a man to take a wife but then advises the young woman to exert control over her husband from the start].
Source: Comparative Drama , 30., 2 (Summer 1996):  Pages 266 - 281.
Year of Publication: 1996.

49. Record Number: 668
Author(s): Williams, Bernadette.
Title : Cursed Be My Parents: A View of Marriage From the "Lais" of Marie de France
Source: The Fragility of Her Sex?: Medieval Irishwomen in Their European Context.   Edited by Christine Meek and Katherine Simms .   Four Courts Press, 1996. Comparative Drama , 30., 2 (Summer 1996):  Pages 73 - 86.
Year of Publication: 1996.

50. Record Number: 2988
Author(s): Classen, Albrecht.
Title : Family Life in the High and Late Middle Ages: The Testimony of German Literary Sources
Source: Medieval Family Roles: A Book of Essays.   Edited by Cathy Jorgensen Itnyre .   Garland Publishing, 1996. Comparative Drama , 30., 2 (Summer 1996):  Pages 39 - 65.
Year of Publication: 1996.

51. Record Number: 1631
Author(s): Durling, Nancy Vine.
Title : Social Class Ideology and Medieval Love: Marriage Fictions in "Girart de Roussillon"
Source: Romance Languages Annual , 8., ( 1996):  Pages 84 - 90.
Year of Publication: 1996.

52. Record Number: 1621
Author(s): Gonz‡lez-Casanovas, Roberto J.
Title : Gender Models in Alfonso X's 'Siete partidas': The Sexual Politics of 'Nature' and 'Society' [this interpretation based on historicist theories looks at the "Siete Partidas" as a literary creation and a social utopia].
Source: Desire and Discipline: Sex and Sexuality in the Premodern West.   Edited by Jacqueline Murray and Konrad Eisenbichler .   University of Toronto Press, 1996. Romance Languages Annual , 8., ( 1996):  Pages 42 - 60.
Year of Publication: 1996.

53. Record Number: 879
Author(s): Flake, Timothy H.
Title : Love, "Trouthe," and the Happy Ending of the "Franklin's Tale" [Dorigen and Arveragus keep their word, proving the power of "trouthe" in the service of "gentillesse."]
Source: English Studies , 77., 3 (May 1996):  Pages 209 - 226.
Year of Publication: 1996.

54. Record Number: 55
Author(s): Fowler, Elizabeth.
Title : Civil Death and the Maiden: Agency and the Conditions of Contract in Piers Plowman
Source: Speculum (Full Text via JSTOR) 70 (1995): 760-792. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

55. Record Number: 6
Author(s): Kleinhenz, Christopher.
Title : Pulzelle e maritate: Coming of Age, Rites of Passage, and the Question of Marriage in Some Early Italian Poems
Source: Matrons and Marginal Women in Medieval Society.   Edited by Robert R. Edwards and Vickie Ziegler .   Boydell Press, 1995.  Pages 89 - 110.
Year of Publication: 1995.

56. Record Number: 7
Author(s): Edwards, Robert R.
Title : Some Pious Talk About Marriage: Two Speeches from the Canterbury Tales [Franklin's Tale and Merchant's Tale].
Source: Matrons and Marginal Women in Medieval Society.   Edited by Robert R. Edwards and Vickie Ziegler .   Boydell Press, 1995.  Pages 111 - 127. A portion of this essay is taken from Edwards's article published in Speculum (Full Text via JSTOR) 66 (1991): 342-367. Link Info
Year of Publication: 1995.

57. Record Number: 1982
Author(s): Heinrichs, Anne.
Title : Die jüngere und die ältere Thóra: Form und Bedeutung einer Episode in Haukdœla Tháttr
Source: Alvíssmál , 5., ( 1995):  Pages 3 - 28.
Year of Publication: 1995.

58. Record Number: 2785
Author(s): Miklautsch, Lydia.
Title : Minne - flust: Zur Rolle des Minnerittertums in Wolframs "Willehalm"
Source: Beiträge zur Geschichte der deutschen Sprache und Literatur , 117., 2 ( 1995):  Pages 218 - 234.
Year of Publication: 1995.

59. Record Number: 1529
Author(s): Peláez, Manuel J., Jean Louis Hague and Josep Maria Peral
Title : La Femme veuve dans l'oeuvre de l'Évêque d'Elne, Francesc Eieximenis, 1330-1409
Source: La Femme dans l' histoire et la société méridionales (IXe-XIXe S.): Actes du 66e congrés. .   Fédération historique du Languedoc méditerranéen et du Roussillon, 1995. Mediaevalia , 21., ( 1996):  Pages 117 - 128.
Year of Publication: 1995.

60. Record Number: 420
Author(s): Van Dyke, Carolynn.
Title : Clerk's and Franklin's Subjected Subjects [individual agency of Dorigen and Griselda].
Source: Studies in the Age of Chaucer , 17., ( 1995):  Pages 45 - 68.
Year of Publication: 1995.

61. Record Number: 1871
Author(s): Dallapiazza, Michael.
Title : Männlich-Weiblich: Bilder des Scheiterns in Gottfrieds "Tristan" und Wolframs "Titurel"
Source: Arthurian Romance and Gender. Selected Proceedings of the XVIIth International Arthurian Congress.   Edited by Friedrich Wolfzettel Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft .   Rodopi, 1995. Studies in the Age of Chaucer , 17., ( 1995):  Pages 176 - 182.
Year of Publication: 1995.

62. Record Number: 1880
Author(s): Ihring, Peter.
Title : Die überlistete Laudine. Korrektur eines antihöfischen Weiblichkeitskonzepts in Chrétiens "Yvain"
Source: Arthurian Romance and Gender. Selected Proceedings of the XVIIth International Arthurian Congress.   Edited by Friedrich Wolfzettel Internationale Forschungen zur Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft .   Rodopi, 1995. Studies in the Age of Chaucer , 17., ( 1995):  Pages 147 - 159.
Year of Publication: 1995.

63. Record Number: 1493
Author(s): Padel, O.J.
Title : Notes on the New Edition of the Middle Cornish "Charter Endorsement" [a review of the Middle Cornish Charter Endorsement. The Making of a Marriage in Medieval Cornwall. Middle Cornish Text with Introduction, Translation, Commentary, and Glossary Critically Edited by Lauren Toorians. Institut für Sprachwissenschaft der Universität Innsbruck, 1991; Padel suggests a number of corrections and alternative readings for the Cornish text].
Source: Cambrian Medieval Celtic Studies , 30., (Winter 1995):  Pages 123 - 127.
Year of Publication: 1995.

64. Record Number: 154
Author(s): Olsson, Kurt.
Title : Love, Intimacy, and Gower
Source: Chaucer Review , 30., 1 ( 1995):  Pages 71 - 100.
Year of Publication: 1995.

65. Record Number: 3223
Author(s): Rocher, Daniel
Title : Frauenverständnis, Frauengestalten und Frauenrollen in Wittenwilers "Ring"
Source: Jahrbuch der Oswald von Wolkenstein Gesellschaft , 8., ( 1994- 1995):  Pages 27 - 37.
Year of Publication: 1994- 1995.

66. Record Number: 6336
Author(s): Trauden, Dieter.
Title : Daz mandierdie recht nit prech: Die Bearbeitungen des Fastnachtspiels vom Rumpold und Mareth
Source: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur älteren Germanistik , ( 1994):  Pages 349 - 375.
Year of Publication: 1994.

67. Record Number: 1818
Author(s): Matthews, David.
Title : Reading the Woman Reading : Culture and Commodity in Chrétien's "Pesme Aventure" Episode [argues that the episode disguises the commodification of the daughter at "Pesme Aventure" by the very romance conventions that she highlights in her reading ; the author also argues against a "realistic" reading of the silkworkers' situation].
Source: Forum for Modern Language Studies , 30., 2 ( 1994):  Pages 113 - 123.
Year of Publication: 1994.

68. Record Number: 10163
Author(s): Peterlongo, Daria.
Title : Il "compagnonnage" nella leggenda di "Ami et Amile": amicizia e amore nel Medioevo [The chanson de geste "Ami et Amile" deals mostly with male friendship. The leading female characters exist only to give the men sexual pleasure. Even Ami's marriage to the Emperor's daughter is modelled on male friendship. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medioevo Romanzo , 18., ( 1993):  Pages 423 - 441.
Year of Publication: 1993.

69. Record Number: 6242
Author(s): Kelly, H. Ansgar.
Title : Medieval Relations, Marital and Other [The author reviews a monograph by Marilyn Stone, "Marriage and Friendship in Medieval Spain," and a collection of essays, "The Olde Daunce: Love, Friendship, Sex, and Marriage in the Medieval World"].
Source: Medievalia et Humanistica New Series , 19., ( 1993):  Pages 133 - 146.
Year of Publication: 1993.

70. Record Number: 8586
Author(s): Piera, Montserrat and Donna M. Rogers
Title : The Widow as Heroine: The Fifteenth-Century Catalan Chivalresque Novel "Curial e Güelfa" [The authors observe that "Curial e Güelfa" departs from traditional Catalan ideas about widowhood in its representation of a woman who uses her fortune to transform a man of humble birth into a suitable candidate for her second marriage. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Upon My Husband's Death: Widows in the Literature and Histories of Medieval Europe.   Edited by Louise Mirrer Studies in Medieval and Early Modern Civilization .   University of Michigan Press, 1992. Medioevo Romanzo , 18., ( 1993):  Pages 321 - 342.
Year of Publication: 1992.

71. Record Number: 7394
Author(s): Raybin, David.
Title : Wommen, of Kynde, Desiren Libertee: Rereading Dorigen, Rereading Marriage [The author suggests we re-read the "Franklin's Tale" from the perspective of its female character, Dorigen, in order to detect Chaucer's view on marital authority and women's agency. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Chaucer Review , 27., 1 ( 1992):  Pages 65 - 86.
Year of Publication: 1992.

72. Record Number: 11794
Author(s): Gaylord, Alan T.
Title : From Dorigen to the Vavasour: Reading Backwards [The author discusses the differences between reading the Franklin’s Tale “forwards” and “backwards.” Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Olde Daunce: Love, Friendship, Sex, and Marriage in the Medieval World.   Edited by Robert R. Edwards and Stephen Spector .   State University of New York Press, 1991. Chaucer Review , 27., 1 ( 1992):  Pages 177 - 200.
Year of Publication: 1991.

73. Record Number: 12689
Author(s): Storm, Melvin.
Title : The Miller, the Virgin, and the Wife of Bath [The author argues that Chaucer intended readers to see parallels between Alison in the "Miller's Tale" and the Wife of Bath. Storm further argues that both women are compared unfavorably with the Virgin Mary, and the Wife of Bath in particular is faulted for both physical and spiritual barrenness. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Neophilologus , 75., ( 1991):  Pages 291 - 303.
Year of Publication: 1991.

74. Record Number: 10688
Title : The Wife of Bath and the Revelour: Power Struggles and Failure in a Marriage of Peers [The Wife of Bath’s fourth marriage differs from her previous ones in one major respect: the fourth husband is her equal in terms of financial and social status, age, and temperament. The Wife’s uncharacteristic silence about her fourth husband and any disputes they may have had in marriage suggests that neither spouse fully dominated in the relationship. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Medieval Perspectives , 6., ( 1991):  Pages 154 - 161.
Year of Publication: 1991.

75. Record Number: 11208
Title : Branwen, "Beowulf," and the Tragic Peaceweaver Tale.
Source: Viator , 22., ( 1991):  Pages 1 - 13.
Year of Publication: 1991.

76. Record Number: 11080
Author(s): Brodman, Marian Masiuk.
Title : The "Livre de Caradoc"'s Chastity Test [The author examines the themes of chastity in le "Livre de Caradoc," and argues that, according to the text, feminine weakness requires masculine correction, protection, and guidance morally as well as physically. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 92., 4 ( 1991):  Pages 471 - 484.
Year of Publication: 1991.

77. Record Number: 11795
Author(s): Wimsatt, James I.
Title : Reason, Machaut, and the Franklin [The article argues that Machaut’s Remede de Fortune influences the view of marriage and friendship expressed in Chaucer’s Franklin’s Tale. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: The Olde Daunce: Love, Friendship, Sex, and Marriage in the Medieval World.   Edited by Robert R. Edwards and Stephen Spector .   State University of New York Press, 1991. Neuphilologische Mitteilungen , 92., 4 ( 1991):  Pages 201 - 210.
Year of Publication: 1991.

78. Record Number: 11821
Author(s): Green, Richard Firth.
Title : An Analogue to the "Marital Dilemma" in the Wife of Bath's Tale [The problem facing the husband at the end of this poem (the choice between an old and faithful wife or a beautiful and potentially fickle one) has an analogue in a later French poem, "Les deux maris et leurs deux femmes." The French poem derives the marital problem from the tradition of Latin rhetoric and debate. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: English Language Notes , 28., 4 (June 1991):  Pages 9 - 12.
Year of Publication: 1991.

79. Record Number: 12676
Author(s): Haahr, Joan G.
Title : Chaucer's "Marriage Group" Revisited: The Wife of Bath and Merchant in Debate [The author compares the attitudes of the Wife of Bath and the Merchant toward marriage. Both emphasize the carnal aspects and presume self-indulgence rather than respect as the ruling factor. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Homo Carnalis: The Carnal Aspect of Medieval Human Life.   Edited by Helen Rodite Lemay Acta .   Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, State University of New York at Binghamton, 1990. MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly , 51., ( 1990):  Pages 105 - 120. Papers presented at a conference held at the State University of New York at Stony Brook in 1987
Year of Publication: 1990.

80. Record Number: 12807
Author(s): Balliet, Gay L.
Title : The Wife in Chaucer's "Reeve's Tale": Siren of Sweet Vengeance [The author analyzes the episode in which the miller’s wife attempts to strike him in order to take revenge for the wrongs he has done her. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: English Language Notes , 28., 1 ( 1990):  Pages 1 - 6.
Year of Publication: 1990.

81. Record Number: 12769
Author(s): Beck, Jonathan.
Title : Genesis, Sexual Antagonism, and the Defective Couple of the Twelfth-Century "Jeu d'Adam" [The author discusses the Jeu d’Adam, a medieval French play which, in retelling the story of Genesis, dramatizes the discord between Adam and Eve (portrayed in the play as a defective couple). Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Representations , 29., ( 1990):  Pages 124 - 144.
Year of Publication: 1990.

82. Record Number: 12783
Author(s): Classen, Albrecht.
Title : Love and Marriage in Late Medieval Verse: Oswald von Wolkenstein, Thomas Hoccleve and Michel Beheim [The author investigates three late medieval poets in order to study their different views on marriage and love; he argues that we can see modern views towards marriage developing as early as the fifteenth century. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Studia Neophilologica , 62., 2 ( 1990):  Pages 163 - 188.
Year of Publication: 1990.

83. Record Number: 12735
Author(s): Garland, Lynda.
Title : Be Amorous, But Be Chaste…’: Sexual morality in Byzantine learned and vernacular romance [Aristocratic Byzantine readers enjoyed romances, which often derived tales of love and adventure from Hellenstic or ancient Greek influences and traditions. From the twelfth century onwards, authors of romances in Greek often borrowed themes from ancient pagan texts including the idea of passionate erotic love, yet unlike Classical authors, Byzantine writers strictly presented marriage as the ultimate goal to which all characters strive. Despite threats to their chastity, these romances featured heroes and heroines who remain chaste until the wedding ceremony that ends the story. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies , 14., ( 1990):  Pages 62 - 120.
Year of Publication: 1990.

84. Record Number: 12875
Author(s): Edwards, Anthony S.G.
Title : The Merchant's Tale and Moral Chaucer [The author argues that the Merchant's Tale produces a style and structure that render the tale morally neutral. Title note supplied by Feminae.].
Source: MLQ: Modern Language Quarterly , 51., ( 1990):  Pages 409 - 426.
Year of Publication: 1990.